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[Watch] DHS Director makes 500 in 500 address
Funding for Allegheny County's ‘500 in 500’ housing initiative comes from tax dollars and charitable donations
Innamorato wants 500 affordable housing units in 500 days
New Allegheny County initiative aims to find 500 new affordable housing units in 500 days
'500 in 500 days:' Allegheny County pushes to move unhoused out of shelters, into housing
500 people in homelessness to be housed in 500 days, per new Allegheny County plan
Allegheny County aims to find 500 affordable housing units for people experiencing homelessness
500 in 500: Allegheny County officials announce new affordable housing program
Pittsburgh-area leaders announce project to get homeless people into permanent housing
'500 in 500' plan aims to address affordable housing in Allegheny County
Editorial: Finally, an encouraging sign for county's approach to homelessness
$1 million grant to aid Allegheny County’s unhoused population
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